Klevu and Searchspring Join Forces to Launch Athos Commerce

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Klevu and Searchspring Join Forces to Launch Athos Commerce

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Home Discovered Articles B2B Ecommerce Conversion Challenges Solved


B2B Ecommerce Conversion Challenges Solved

As a B2B retailer, the challenges you face are unique. Your customers are highly  motivated to make very specific purchases, but face sifting through complex catalogs  to find what they’re…

As a B2B retailer, the challenges you face are unique. Your customers are highly  motivated to make very specific purchases, but face sifting through complex catalogs  to find what they’re looking for. In this section, we outline three ways you might be losing sales due to poor product discoverability — and how on-site search might be  the answer to all your problems. 

Conversion Challenge 1: Searching for the Super Specific 

The Issue: Large product ranges/ catalog make it difficult for your customers to find  products that meet specific requirements 

As a B2B retailer, chances are you offer a large, specialist and highly technical product  range. Meanwhile, your customers are on the hunt for incredibly specific items. 

Without a well-crafted search experience, your customers can find themselves  experiencing a frustrating “needle in a haystack” situation. If your store isn’t able to take  them swiftly and efficiently to the products they’re searching for, you risk customers  bouncing and turning to a competitor. 

The traffic reaching B2B stores tends to be highly intentional. Your customers have  likely arrived at your store because they have a specific requirement. Search-led  journeys are common with a customer profile of this nature, and as a result, a poor  search experience can prove especially costly to your conversion rate. 

How a search and discovery platform helps: Dynamic filters deliver intuitive and well-ordered search results 

Klevu provides a truly elevated on-site search experience. A wide range of features  take its functionality far beyond what’s natively available from e-commerce platforms. 

It’s this degree of extra polish that can make a world of difference when it comes to  satisfying the search requirements of the B2B market. 

When it comes to honing in on highly specialized, specific items among a wide range  of products, dynamic filtering comes into its own. When presented with the results  of an on-site search, customers see AI-driven dynamic filters that automatically  interpret and display the most relevant product attributes.

This means your customers experience a results page that’s quick and easy to refine  as they narrow down their search results. 

Conversion Challenge 2: A Broad Range of Specialist Search Terms 

The Issue: You miss sales as search queries aren’t recognized and fail to serve up the  correct products. 

When searching for specific items on your B2B online store, your customers could use  a wide range of search terms, from brand names to SKUs, trade terms to part or model  numbers. 

As a result, they may enter a term that isn’t recognized by your on-site search, resulting  in a “no results” page … even if you do stock the product that they were looking for! 

These are sales that you simply shouldn’t lose. By giving the impression that the items  they require weren’t stocked, you’ve needlessly lost a promising sale and created  a disappointing end to their user journey. You also run the risk of losing them as a  customer in the future, as they’ll wrongly assume you won’t be able to meet their  requirements. 

How a search and discovery platform helps: Automatic catalog enrichment and NLP capacity help to interpret a  broader range of search queries  

When selling online in the competitive B2B space, it’s vital to correctly interpret your  customers’ intent. Klevu has several measures in place to ensure that customers will  be served up the products that they were hoping to find, however they phrase their  search. 

Klevu’s automatic catalog enrichment utilizes metadata to add contextually relevant  synonyms to your catalog. This results in up to three times the depth and coverage of search results. No matter what query your customer chooses to input, they’ll get accurate results.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) can help by considering the actual meaning of keywords, resulting in a more intuitive and accurate experience.
Even if the search term your customer inputs doesn’t appear in any of the associated product information, the correct product can still be interpreted and delivered in their search results.

Conversion Challenge 3: Missed Opportunities for Cross-Selling 

The Issue: You miss the chance to fully leverage product discovery, resulting in suboptimal AOV. 

With large, varied catalogs and clearly defined market segments, your chance to up  and cross sell as a B2B retailer is significant. 

But it can be hard to manually merchandise such broad ranges of products and  collections — and it’s a huge time suck for your busy e-commerce team. 

Today’s consumer expects a more personalized e-commerce experience, and this  applies to B2B just as much as D2C. If you’re not providing a shopping experience that  lives up to these expectations, you run the risk of losing out to competitors who’ve got a  better measure of their audience. 

How a search and discovery platform helps: Advanced AI and personalization capacities put the right products in  front of the right eyes, at the right time 

The smartest way to make the most of every opportunity available from your search led customers is to lean on the power of AI.

Klevu’s advanced algorithms ensure that your products are merchandised to  optimum efficiency — not only across your search results pages, but your category  pages and any landing page that you choose to create too. 

You can also benefit from the instant impact of quick search overlay (“search as you  type”) functionality, which gets trending products in front of your most motivated  customers before they’ve hit a single key. 

Automatic behavioral personalization means that each and every time your customers visit and interact with your store, their experience becomes more customized and fulfilling.  Recommendations and suggested products are deployed to maximum effect. 

Ready to Take Your B2B Conversions to the Next Level? 

B2B e-commerce customers have specific requirements and limited time, so products  must be relevant and quick to locate. This is where a sophisticated on-site search and discovery platform like Klevu can ride to your rescue, providing specialized help for B2B retailers looking to deliver enhanced customer experience and maximize each and every chance of conversion.

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