Klevu and Searchspring Join Forces to Launch Athos Commerce

Improve your ecommerce insights with Klevu+GA4 integration. Join our webinar

Klevu and Searchspring Join Forces to Launch Athos Commerce

Improve your ecommerce insights with Klevu+GA4 integration. Join our webinar

Home Partners Magebit


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Magebit is an eCommerce agency from Europe specializing in Magento. Their team of certified experts has worked with clients from 16 countries, including US, Canada, Australia and United Kingdom. We position ourselves as the all-in-one provider for eCommerce success — we build, support and grow online stores worldwide. Magebit is dedicated to helping companies and brands of all types sell online — in ways to scale their business. In other words, we help our clients reveal the potential of eCommerce for their businesses.

As part of our Partner Spotlight series  we’re turning our attention to Magebit. Magebit are a Magento solution provider helping companies build powerful stores, drive more visitors and optimise conversions. In this blog, Artūrs Krūze, Co-founder and CEO at Magebit, tells us why product discovery is so important, why Magebit decided to partner with Klevu and his predications on upcoming trends within the ecommerce world.

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Tell us about Magebit?

We position ourselves as the all-in-one provider for eCommerce success — we build, support and grow online stores worldwide.

Magebit is dedicated to helping companies and brands of all types sell online — in ways to scale their business. In other words, we help our clients reveal the potential of eCommerce for their businesses.

What makes Magebit different? 

What sets Magebit apart from competitors is an interweaving combination of a truly personal approach to each client with comprehensive expertise in eCommerce, gained from successfully creating and managing hundreds of online stores. One more important, attitude-demonstrating factor that our customers value is a prompt response when urgent help is needed.

Are there any particular verticals you focus on?

Not really. Magebit helps a wide range of clients across all industries including construction, sports, fashion, body care, electronics, cosmetics, accessories, and many more. 

We work with companies of all sizes —  be that innovative start-ups, midsized brands, or global enterprises with multiple verticals. 

What is your biggest achievement as an agency? 

We have worked with Fortune 500 companies on projects that have a significant impact on improving people’s lives. Projects like these always stick to your mind, powering you with emotions and the desire to create even better solutions.

Another achievement we are truly proud of is the inspiring, open, and helpful working atmosphere we’ve created within the company. It helps people at Magebit unleash their full potential and focus on creating solutions that matter.

We expect a widespread implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). The technologies are getting much better adapted and more used as they personalize the shopping experience for online visitors in real time. More importantly, the data collected by AI algorithms will help deeply understand customer behavior and predict trends, helping businesses adjust to the frequent changes in advance.

Another important trend to mention is the expected exponential growth in eCommerce sales for B2B. Automated order processing via eCommerce websites allows teams and even whole businesses to move from bulky operational tasks (e.g. complex order coordination or payment stretching) to things that matter (like growing client base or increasing sales).

Why is product discovery important to your client base?

Product discovery is one of the most crucial elements for any eCommerce business. The done-right product discovery significantly helps real-time visitors explore your inventory and find relevant products. For online stores and brands, this means increased conversions, enhanced average order value, and overall revenue boost for online sales.

Why did you decide to partner with Klevu?

Many of our clients asked for a competitive search technology — with personalization options and smart keyword detection. So we needed a great search solution to drive relevance to real-time shoppers of our clients. 

We suggested Klevu and got truly positive feedback, backed by clearly seen improvements in our clients’ performance metrics. 

After testing the Klevu search and receiving many good reviews that verified the value of the solution, we decided to partner with Klevu.

If your agency was an animal what would it be?!

It would be a beaver. 

Beavers are hardworking animals in love with construction. They are also very dedicated to their business and stay focused on the job during every step of the process.

Find out more about Magebit here.Klevu Partner banner