Klevu has been positioned in the inaugural 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Search and Product Discovery

Klevu has been positioned in the inaugural 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Search and Product Discovery

Home Technical Support Policy

Technical Support Policy

Support Hours

The support team is available 24 x 5 Monday to Friday. They are also available during major bank holidays such as Christmas, Black Friday, Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday.


Tickets can be submitted using this form

Known issues are posted and updated on our status page.  It is possible to subscribe to the status page to receive notifications.


Response time (upto # hours)
Resolution start time (upto #hours
P0 – critical
P1 – high
P2 – medium
P3 – low

Priority Classifications

P0 – critical


Urgent priority tickets are the most critical and require immediate attention. These tickets typically involve system or service outages that affect multiple users or have a significant impact on business operations.


  • Service is down and affecting multiple users’ experience
  • Failure in synchronizing data across multiple products
  • Prices not updating although data is being submitted to Klevu
  • Images not loading

P1 – high


Important but not as critical as urgent priority tickets. They typically involve issues that affect one or a few users and have a moderate impact on business operations.


  • Performance issue, slowness in search results
  • Key KMC features; VM (search and cat-nav) are not accessible
  • Random issue with product rendering

P2 – medium


Less critical than high-priority tickets and typically involve issues that do not have an immediate impact on business operations.


  • Feature not available in KLEVU but we still have a workaround
  • Customization task to improve the look and feel
  • ‘How to’ questions related to the KLEVU product and its features
  • Sales data, not visible.-Analytics report email
  • Points that are important but not affecting the merchant website directly

P3 – low


Low priority tickets are the least critical and typically involve minor issues or requests that do not affect business operations.


  • General requests for advice on product usage
  • Clarification on product documentation or release notes
  • Product enhancement request

Support service includes

  • Help to identify and troubleshoot using Klevu-specific services
  • Help with questions relating to Klevu services, including relevancy related questions or assistance in indexing 
  • Questions relating to the documentation provided by Klevu

Support service does not include

  • Third party conflicts, plugins and scenarios (that are not directly offered by Klevu)
  • Support in languages other than English
  • Signing into your development environment for troubleshooting or debugging
  • Customized versions of Klevu API client, front-end integrations

Factors under which Priorities and Response Time policy is applicable

  • All API clients, front-end integrations, plugins must be on the most recent Klevu version
  • Subscription is paid and for the existing client

Factors under which Priorities and Response Time policy is not applicable

  • Third-party tool conflict
  • API-based customization (frontend/backend)
  • Results/Customization conflict due to third-party app/plugin
  • Product Training
  • Sales offerings
  • Development questions or requests (community forum-related questions)
  • Going live without a Klevu team member’s go-ahead

Infrastructure Monitoring

  • We have automated health checks installed to monitor APIs and servers for real-time visibility 24x7x365
  • We use a range of tools for monitoring – Nagios, Grafana, and Pingdom, Amazon Health Checks
  • Automated notifications of monitoring alerts are sent to multiple channels to provide redundancy for notifications. This ensures the correct team(s) are informed so that these alerts can be actioned by the most relevant team(s)
  • When we’re aware of an issue updates are posted on our status page which is publicly available. It’s possible to subscribe to the status page to receive notifications